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Jan 24, 20242 min read
Vanessa, 45, my eye continued to cause pain and that led to enucleation
I was assaulted by a client during a home visit, my eye continued to cause pain and that led to enucleation
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Dec 22, 20233 min read
Edwin Moran, 31 - First round of golf, the club struck the left side of my face.
I was looking forward to my first round of golf with a close friend. The club struck the left side of my face.
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Nov 19, 20235 min read
Mark Astley, 49 - coming to terms with my eye loss
It is 17 years today since I lost my eye on 19th November 2006. Coming to terms with my eye loss
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Sep 26, 20236 min read
Greg Voeller, 51- Baseball injury
That is where the line drive met my right eye. My eye was definitely on the ball. Sorry, bad humor.
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Jul 18, 20231 min read
Cheyenne Babbitt - Car Accident, Facial Injuries, Loss Of Left Eye.
I sustained traumatic injuries to the left side of my face resulting in the loss of my left eye.
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Jul 11, 20235 min read
Vincent Loreto DeRubeis Jr, 24 Playing for the Savanna Banana Baseball Team
I was up to bat when an inside fastball hit me in my left eye.
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Jul 3, 20232 min read
Adam Rios, 19, - 4th of July accident, prosthetic eye, enucleation
On the 4th of July, there was an accident where a firework had blown up and it had blown my right eye, my eyelid, and my cheek.
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Jun 6, 20232 min read
Imani Mickel, 25 - Eye injury, Enucleation, Ruptured Globe
The key ruptured my globe which caused me to have an enucleation of my left eye and replace it with a prosthetic eye.
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Feb 17, 20232 min read
Logan Wilson,
One bullet went directly through my left eye and another through my left cheek.
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Jan 9, 20232 min read
HUTTEAU Jeremy, 34
I lost my left eye following a shooting accident. The bullet ricocheted off a metal object
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Dec 29, 20221 min read
Steven Crawford, 63
I sustained skull and facial injuries, including a severed optic nerve in my right eye.
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Dec 20, 20223 min read
Alexandra Dore, 32
During my coma, there were times they were very close to losing me and I almost didn’t make it, twice. I am fortunate to be alive today.
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Dec 15, 20225 min read
EYE - Powerment Program
The program is designed to help individuals and their caregivers to overcome and grow through the life-altering experience of vision loss.
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Dec 12, 20222 min read
Chelsea Morgan, 33 - I was told I would never see again.
I have also had to undergo 7 reconstruction surgeries on my left eye before I was able to receive the prosthetic I now wear today.
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Nov 23, 20222 min read
Emilie Reyes, 33 - I hated how I looked with one eye.
A driver ran a red light, and when my airbag deployed a metal washer shot into my eye.
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Nov 16, 20223 min read
Daniel Clarke, 31
At the age of 21, after an accident with a knife, I lost all vision in my left eye.
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Nov 9, 20223 min read
Danielle Ziesman, 31
I walked into a piece of unwinded chain link fence at the field’s entrance.
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Oct 25, 20222 min read
Karter Wright, 10
I am a bit traumatized by what happened to my eye. People ask me a lot of questions about it and they can be difficult for me to answer.
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Sep 26, 20223 min read
Sarah Ruggiere, 28
I was walking down the sidewalk and a drunk driver drove up onto the sidewalk and hit me.
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Sep 20, 20222 min read
Kenneth Mauldin, 32
The tip of the machete accidentally sliced me across my face and cut my eyeball in half in the process.
119 views0 comments
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