The One-Eyed Journey Parents Edition, parents raising a child with a prosthetic or blind eye.
The countdown is on! Tears, laughs, connections, knowledge, and insight for all ages living with a prosthetic or blind eye.
Edwin Moran, 31 - First round of golf, the club struck the left side of my face.
PopEye, Our One-Eye Gang Inmate: Retinoblastoma
Mark Astley, 49 - coming to terms with my eye loss
Cheyenne Babbitt - Car Accident, Facial Injuries, Loss Of Left Eye.
Imani Mickel, 25 - Eye injury, Enucleation, Ruptured Globe
Tina Sixberry, 42, Retinoblastoma
Elisabelle St-Hilaire, 27 and an Ocularist
Self-love, Laughter, Healing, and Fun!
HUTTEAU Jeremy, 34
Optometrist In The One Eye Community
EYE - Powerment Program
Chelsea Morgan, 33 - I was told I would never see again.
Journey Rose Stanley, 5
Katie, 22
Emilie Reyes, 33 - I hated how I looked with one eye.
Daniel Clarke, 31
Danielle Ziesman, 31
Karter Wright, 10